フランス語教室 > フランス語先生一覧 > 常磐線(上野~取手) > 新松戸
フランス語教室 新松戸カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
日本に来たきっかけと、フランス語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan because I enjoyed the pace of daily life on my first stay with a working holidays visa, I'm a graduated sport trainer and teacher, and after an injury I changed my field of studies. I'm still studying and researching in teaching French as a foreign language at university. |
フランス語を勉強する生徒へアドバイス |
Don't forget to enjoy yourself ;) More available tables on demand |
日本に来たきっかけと、フランス語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan because I enjoyed the pace of daily life on my first stay with a working holidays visa, I'm a graduated sport trainer and teacher, and after an injury I changed my field of studies. I'm still studying and researching in teaching French as a foreign language at university. |
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